const tictactoeBoard = (function() { let gameBoard = new Array(["", "", ""], ["", "", ""], ["", "", ""]); const getGameBoard = () => gameBoard; // const printGameBoard = () => console.log(gameBoard[0] + "\n" + gameBoard[1] + "\n" + gameBoard[2]); const resetGameBoard = () => { gameBoard.forEach(item => { item[0] = ''; item[1] = ''; item[2] = ''; }) } const posititionAvailable = (position) => { switch (position) { case 1: return isEmpty(gameBoard[0][0]); case 2: return isEmpty(gameBoard[0][1]); case 3: return isEmpty(gameBoard[0][2]); case 4: return isEmpty(gameBoard[1][0]); case 5: return isEmpty(gameBoard[1][1]); case 6: return isEmpty(gameBoard[1][2]); case 7: return isEmpty(gameBoard[2][0]); case 8: return isEmpty(gameBoard[2][1]); case 9: return isEmpty(gameBoard[2][2]); default: Alert('Must enter a number 1 - 9'); break; } } const isEmpty = position => position === ""; const placeOnBoard = (position, marker) => { // places marker on the gameboard marker = marker.getValue(); // get value from object switch (position) { case 1: gameBoard[0][0] = marker; break; case 2: gameBoard[0][1] = marker; break; case 3: gameBoard[0][2] = marker; break; case 4: gameBoard[1][0] = marker; break; case 5: gameBoard[1][1] = marker; break; case 6: gameBoard[1][2] = marker; break; case 7: gameBoard[2][0] = marker; break; case 8: gameBoard[2][1] = marker; break; case 9: gameBoard[2][2] = marker; break; default: break; } } return { resetGameBoard, // printGameBoard, getGameBoard, placeOnBoard, posititionAvailable }; })(); const playerInfo = (function() { class Player { constructor(name, piece) { this.piece = piece; = name; } } const player = (name, piece) => { return new Player(name, piece); }; return { player } })(); function block() { value = "-"; const addToken = player => { // player is a player info object value = player.piece; }; const getValue = () => value; return { addToken, getValue }; }; const gameController = (() => { // Controls the overall flow of the game let players = [ playerInfo.player('Player 1', 'X'), playerInfo.player('Player 2', 'O') ] let gameOver; let xTurn = true; // True = X's turn, False = O's turn let round = 0; // 9 Total Rounds for Tic Tac Toe const resetGame = () => { round = 0; xTurn = true; gameOver = false; tictactoeBoard.resetGameBoard(); } const gameStatus = () => gameOver; const gameRound = () => round; const switchPlayerTurn = () => { xTurn = !xTurn; } const playRound = position => { let marker = new block() let positionOpen = tictactoeBoard.posititionAvailable(position); if (round < 10 && positionOpen) { let player = xTurn ? players[0] : players[1]; marker.addToken(player); tictactoeBoard.placeOnBoard(position, marker); // position on board // Check for Winner gameOver = evalGameOutcome(tictactoeBoard.getGameBoard()); if (gameOver) { console.log(`${}: ${player.piece} won!`) return } switchPlayerTurn(); } else { return } round += 1; } const evalGameOutcome = gameBoard => { // create a new array of the vertical indexes in the game board let vertArray = []; gameBoard.forEach((_, index) => vertArray.push( => e[index]))); // create an array of diagnal pieces let diagArray = [ [gameBoard[0][0], gameBoard[1][1], gameBoard[2][2]], [gameBoard[0, 2], gameBoard[1][1], gameBoard[2][0]] ]; let checkGameBoard = [gameBoard, diagArray[0],diagArray[1], vertArray]; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { let outcome = _evalGameOutcome(checkGameBoard[i]); if (outcome) { return true; }; }; return false; }; const _evalGameOutcome = arr => { // Checks if array values are equal to determine winner let isWinner = checkArr => checkArr.reduce(function(a, b) { return a === b ? a : false; }); const outcome = arr.find(element => { let result = isWinner(element); if (result != false) { return true; } else { return false; } }); return outcome; }; return { playRound, resetGame, gameStatus, gameRound } })(); const screenController = (() => { const contentDiv = document.querySelector('.content') const gameDiv = document.querySelector('.game-area'); const gameStatus = document.querySelector('.game-status') const game = tictactoeBoard.getGameBoard(); const resetButton = document.createElement('button'); resetButton.classList.add(['btn']); resetButton.textContent = 'New Game'; contentDiv.appendChild(resetButton); const updateScreen = () => { status() displayBoard(); } const status = () => { let pTags = gameStatus.querySelectorAll('p'); if (pTags) pTags.forEach(e => e.remove()); let message = document.createElement('p'); let gameOn = gameController.gameStatus() ? "Play again?" : ""; let round = gameController.gameRound(); if (round <= 9 && gameOn) { message.textContent = gameOn; } else if (round >= 9 && !gameOn) { message.textContent = "Draw, play again?"; } gameStatus.appendChild(message); } const displayBoard = () => { // Check if someone won the game let count = 0; // This is for the data blocks gameDiv.querySelectorAll('.block').forEach(e => e.remove()); game.forEach((e) => { e.forEach((element) => { count += 1; const block = document.createElement('div'); block.classList.add('block'); block.setAttribute('data-block', count); block.textContent = element; block.addEventListener('click', clickHandlerBoard); gameDiv.appendChild(block); }); }); } function clickHandlerBoard(e) { const selectedBlock =; const empty =; const gameStatus = gameController.gameStatus(); if (!selectedBlock || empty !== "" || gameStatus) return; gameController.playRound(Number(selectedBlock)); updateScreen(); }; function clickResetButton() { gameController.resetGame(); status(); updateScreen(); } resetButton.addEventListener('click', clickResetButton); // Initial Load updateScreen(); })();