// TODO /* Simple TTT game. User chooses R,P,S and then the computers answer should be randomly generated from those 3 options method to compare users answer vs computers rock > scissors && rock < paper scissors > paper && scissors < rock pape > rock && paper < scissors repeat if user_ans == computer_ans if either player wins log output else if its a tie , it should prompt the user to pick a new answer until a winner is picked */ let rpc = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"] let usersChoice = () => { let userChoice = prompt("Rock, Paper, or Scissors? "); return userChoice.toLocaleLowerCase(); } let getCPUChoice = () => { // Generate a random number between 0 and 2 let choice = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); return rpc[choice]; } function getResults(playerSelection, cpuSelection) { if (playerSelection === cpuSelection) { return "tie"; } else if (playerSelection == "rock" && cpuSelection == "scissors" || playerSelection == "paper" && cpuSelection == "rock" || playerSelection == "scissors" && cpuSelection == "paper") { return `You Win! ${playerSelection} beats ${cpuSelection}`; } else { return `You Lose! ${cpuSelection} beats ${playerSelection}`; } } uc = usersChoice(); cpc = getCPUChoice(); console.log(uc, cpc); console.log(getResults(uc, cpc));